Start Your Day with a Devotional

What’s a Devotional?

Any time a person sets aside special time to spend with God, it’s called a “devotion.” Quite often a person will use a book to help guide their time through short readings. These stories are called “devotionals.”

Download the Devotional

Whether you’re new to the faith or are looking for a spiritual spark, download the devotional today to deepen your connection with God. This devotional will mature your faith and help the Bible come alive.

Taking Next Steps

There are many steps you can take to develop your faith beyond downloading a devotional. We’d love to invite you to visit Victory Lutheran Church this weekend. You can also check out one of our recent sermons to see what our church is all about.

Let’s Connect

If you have any questions about Victory Lutheran Church or would like us to pray for something going on in your life right now, send us a message.